Friday, June 25, 2010

You scream. I scream.

For those worried this post is about other attacks, do not fear. This is about the other end of the terror spectrum. (see below)
How does Aden battle the heat? Ice cream. How can the world battle terror? Ice cream. It is so good! Why would you want anything else in your hands? I can understand being angry if you finish your cone but that is easily solved.

The most popular chain ice cream stores in Aden are Snow Cream (a funny joke for those Arabic speakers out there) and Baskin Robbins. They are everywhere. I think Aden and I will get along well.


  1. Matt! Thanks for keeping us posted. I was just inspired to check in on you because I'm in TEXAS! My houseful of interns got stir-crazy and decided to get out of Arkansas for the weekend, and now we're just settling in in Dallas. Hope all's going well.

  2. Won't worry about any problems that ice cream can solve. Come to think of it, it solves most of my problems.
